God damn, a real blast from the past right here! So many of us have been waiting since 2005 for you to return Meony to the grounds! I didnt believe it was true when this showed up on my NG home page. My disappointment that this is only a teaser in comic book format is palpable, but over ridden by my absolute exuberance that this came back from the dead, even if the story is going to be different. Cant say as I like that idea, but it's not my place to make that call, its yours as the artist/creator.
Lets see if this takes off, or falls flatter than my hopes in 05 when MM first died of neglect. I have to ask though, why a new story? The first was never finished and so many of us loved what was there in the original animation! Why not work with that instead of a total reboot? Format/style I can understand, but I cant fathom why the new direction in the story....
Waiting with bated breath, just wont hold my breath