I feel bad for who ever teaches you.
If i was teaching your class I would have failed you for this. I know animation is difficult at best but this seemed lazy. Not like regular lazy, but the kind of lazy where you know you can get away with it because the teacher is a push-over. If you lost your inspiration why did you even submit the digital abortion to the portal? This is like the picture you draw for you mother in pre-school that is really bad but she puts it on the refrigerator anyway. I would not be proud of this, and if I where you I would not post this where anyone can see it. Its one thing to peer review, its another to put some of your worst work in a public venue for everyone to mock. If I had given this to a teacher when I was 14 I would have gotten laughed out of the school, or placed in a remedial class with the slow kids.
You have the right idea, but you need to place more effort into your work. Lots more. Good luck in the future. Maybe you should google flash animation tutorials.